Women and people of color who participate in our training programs gain tangible job skills and access to employment fields in which they have traditionally been underrepresented.
As we look at the impact of sexism and racism, women, and particularly women of color, experience adverse economic impacts. By focusing on empowering women economically, YWCA Madison hopes to improve the economic wealth of individual families and our community. Women’s economic empowerment speaks to a woman’s ability to make strategic choices, improve her economic situation, and alter existing power structures that create barriers to economic justice. Economic empowerment is more than simply having a job. Our goal is to create economic justice that equals equity and fairness.
YWCA Madison achieves these goals by providing employment and training programs and safe transportation solutions. Follow the links below to learn more about these programs. YWCA Madison’s employment training programs work with people who want to find, change, or maintain their careers so they can support their families and be part of our community’s economic mainstream. To achieve these goals we offer a wide spectrum of programming, including:
Driver’s License Recovery Program is available to people working to reinstate suspended drivers’ licenses through a systemic partnership.
YW Transit community-based transportation program serving Dane County. There are three services YW Transit provides.
YWeb Career Academy is an employment service program that trains women and people of color to become web developers/designers.