Professional Development
YWCA Madison offers three-day professional development training workshops for educators, community members and parents.
Our training workshops are aligned to our definition and philosophy:
Restorative justice is an anti-racist and decolonizing movement rooted in indigenous knowledge that recognizes the interconnectedness, value, and intrinsic worth of all parts of creation. It aims to interrupt and dismantle the cycle of harm through the medicine of collective radical vulnerability and love.
Restorative Justice is abolitionist. It recognizes the need to heal, repair, and transform the historical and transgenerational harm from our society’s practices and systems of retributive and unjust law embedded in white supremacist-heteropatriarchal-capitalist culture.
Restorative justice is about nurturing relational, interconnected cultures and empowers communities to meet our needs and mend the relationships that make us whole.
To register for the Restorative Justice Workshops, be notified about future workshop dates or if you have additional questions, please email Orion Wells.
During our intensive three days Restorative Justice Training Series, we will learn and unlearn many things including:
Level 100 – Restorative Justice Philosophy, roots, and the experiential Circle Process: YWCA experiential holistic framework, Experiential Circle Process and its different elements, Restorative Justice as a way of restoring our shared values. Mindfulness as a restorative liberatory anti-racist practice
Level 200 – Restorative Justice as a Way to Dismantle Institutional Racism and the school to prison pipeline: Culture, Power, timeline, and history of years of inequality, freedom and abolitionist dreaming. Understanding the Cycle of harm, how to disrupt it and build a culture of belonging and healing.
Level 300 – Restorative and Transformative Justice is an abolitionist Movement: What does RJ in practice look like? We will also engage in learning about different proactive restorative justice practices with a healing-centered engagement as a way to build healthy relationships, create just and equitable environments, and transform and repair conflict.

Request for Training↘
Thanks for your interest in deepening your knowledge in Restorative Justice, please send a brief description of your workshop and training
needs to our curator and we’ll get back to you as soon as we are able to.
Types of Professional Development Trainings:
3-day (24hrs total) intensive training series (in person, virtual, & hybrid)
4-hour & 2-hour experiential workshops (in person & virtual)
10-day youth curriculum for school circle keepers
Restorative Justice Club curriculum for youth (18 lessons total)
Restorative parenting workshops
Circle Practice in the community
Restorative Justice Experiences for the community