Featured Keynotes, Facilitators, Practitioners and Artist
Justin Russell
Youth Facilitator
Yo my name is Justin aka JEXIZIS and I grew up in Madison. Born on the south side, I came through the foster care system and finally got adopted at age 7. With hard work and dedication, I am now on a full ride scholarship to UW Madison through the first wave program. I am also Madison's youth poet laureate and a former student of Vera Naputi.
Dr. Yoland Sealey-Ruiz
Vera Naputi
Justin Russell
Ruth King
Kazu Haga
Stephanie Janeth Salgado Altamirano
Ijeoma Oluo
Prentis Hemphill
Alice Y Traore
Ali Khan
kristy kumar
Sarah Noble
Lola Loustaunau
Maliha Nu'Man
Kamewanikiw Paula Rabideux
Autumn Brown
David Dean
Melana Bass